Women will change the face of the country - Sharmeen

New Delhi - President of Women Achievers Program, Sharmeen Husain said that the announcement of bringing 'Nari Shakti Vandi Act' is the beginning of a new chapter in the country. He said that this will ensure greater participation of women in policy making at the state and national level. While thanking the famous Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, Sharmin described the Act as a historic step. She said that with this decision, the strength of women power of the country will further increase and with the implementation of women's reservation, now the downtrodden women will come up in large numbers.
Sharmeen said that the world has always been male-dominated and traditionally everyday life and political power have been concentrated in the hands of men. He said that political power is a means by which men have been able to dominate women. Sharmin said that it is very important for women to be strong in the society. She said that men have been talking about women empowerment only to shine their politics but they are hesitant in talking about empowering women or giving them rights. He further said that men have not only been retreating on the issue of giving adequate participation to women in power but have also been creating obstacles. Sharmeen said that it is a matter of great joy for the women of our country that the government is the first to move from the old Parliament House to the new Parliament House and present the Women's Reservation Bill.


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