The Untold Coffee Table Stories

The program "The Untold Coffee Table Stories" is being produced under the banner of 'Film India Communications' along with other organizations, which is a sponsored program in print and video version. Based on the concept of Sibte Abbas, in the above program, the life-style and achievements of people working / serving in different areas of the society will be presented in front of the society through various mediums on the basis of their interviews, which will give a general idea about those talents. Will work to provide better information to the public. It is to be known that earlier this program was limited to print edition only, in which more than 100 talents from different fields including film industry were interviewed and published/displayed in various mediums including newspapers and other places including social media.
In the program 'The Untold Coffee Table Stories' an individual 'talent' or group 'talent' will be published/displayed. The above program will be constructed in 5 phases, each phase of which will be complete in itself. First of all, any participant / participants will be selected for the first phase of the program and according to the rules of the program, permission will be given to participate in more than one or all the phases. Each stage of the program will have its own importance and as the program progresses, the popularity of the talents will also increase. The selected participants for the program will be awarded the title 'Personality' or 'Women Achievers'. The video version of the above program can be presented in the form of web series and TV serial as per requirement. The main objective of the program 'The Untold Coffee Table Stories' is to make the public aware of their image and achievements by presenting the talents working / serving in different areas of the society in front of the public, so that the general public can get maximum benefit from their skills. And these hidden talents can get respect and popularity. Apart from this, such talents of the society, which are a little talked about, have to be encouraged by making them more popular in the society and such talents of the society, which have been very popular but their popularity has faded with time, have to be re-established in front of the society. To do. Thus, the main objective of the above 'The Untold Coffee Table Stories' program is to give prestige and height with respect to various talents working / serving in different areas of society as 'Personality' and 'Women Achievers' at national and international level and To make it more popular.


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