Proud moment to have Draupadi murmu as Indian's President -Marshah.

The 'Peace Ambassador to India' Marshah congratulated Draupadi Murmu on becoming the 15th President of the country. She said that Mrs. Draupadi Murmu is the first tribal woman president of India. She further said that in a way, the dream of the Father of the Nation Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was fulfilled because Gandhiji wanted a Dalit woman to become the President of independent India. Marshah said that the role of women is no longer limited. This achievement is a message that the role of tribal women is not limited to just one house or courtyard but they have the leadership quality to run such a big country. She said that being on the top post of the country, there are many expectations in which the focus should be on the education of tribal girls, for women to be financially independent, there should be work at the grassroots level, whatever for education and self-respect. Government and institutions should fulfill the need in any case. Now with a tribal woman being the President, we expect that women from every section of the society will get equal opportunities.
------------------------------------------------------------ MARSHAH Peace Ambassador to India


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